Monday, March 21, 2011

Opening Weekend Re-Cap

TUESDAYS WITH MORRIE opened this weekend at the Sunset Playhouse in Elm Grove, and aside from a few small technical difficulties (who knew that the wheelchair would decide to move of its own accord?!), things went fabulously.

Our backstage crew, Zach and Nina, are pretty much rock stars in disguise. Everything that happens onstage really could not happen without these two. They are responsible for all props, for set pieces appearing and disappearing, and for making sure that the right side of the stage's revolve is showing at the right time--oh, and they do all of this from underneath a five-foot platform that's only about three feet deep and six feet wide. They live under the platform for the duration of the show with various props, a headset to communicate with each other and me, two large chairs, two end tables, a wheelchair, and only a small light to guide their way.

Things in this show wouldn't be possible without the backstage crew, and I think that the way they've worked out how to do things in this show is pretty awesome. I'm hoping to take some photos so you all can see exactly how they maneuver such things as the chairs, the the tables, the revolve, and, of course, the magical appearance of the record player.

So this is a techie appreciation post: thanks, guys! I seriously could not do this show without you.

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