Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Lessons from a Frog and Two Witches

As the Administrative Assistant at Sunset, I do a little bit of this and that for almost all of our productions, so I feel some ownership for all of our shows. That said, I do play favorites: as a mom, I find that I most enjoy my experiences through the School for the Arts. Over the summer, my daughter attended our summer camp for two weeks, and she loved every second of it. Our whole family got a kick out of seeing her on stage for the first time, barking like a dog, in the camp’s final production, and she can’t wait to go back next year. As a parent, I was impressed by how much fun all of the kids had, while still learning a little about the theatre experience; as a staff member, I enjoyed hearing the kids chatting throughout the day.

Besides the School, we also have a series of interactive childrens shows called bug in a rug. All of the bug in a rug shows are originals, from the genius of Erika Navin, our School of the Arts director. This weekend we premiered SWITCH WITCH, the story of an unlikely friendship between a good witch and a bad witch. The show was also about something all kids need to hear and re-hear: that being yourself is the best way to be, even if being yourself makes you different. As a parent, I appreciate being able to take my children to see a show where they will laugh and help cast silly spells and still come away with an important lesson. Especially when the lesson is taught to them by a frog and two witches.

So as a mom, and as a staff member, I just have to say: to the SWITCH WITCH cast and crew, to Erika Navin, and to all the staff and volunteers who help behind the scenes and with craft time, thank you for creating such a fun show and for reminding all of us that being different is just fine, and for reminding our children- and us parents, too- that we should value ourselves, no matter how different we may be.

Michelle Tucker

Administrative Assistant

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